The Line-Up
Saturday March 20, 2021
8A.M-8:50 A.M.-News Flash: Could Cannabis and / or Hemp Really Solve the Opioid Epidemic?-Phillip Zinni, D.O.
9A.M.-9:50 A.M.-Integrative Oncology: The Forsythe Saga-James Forsythe, M.D.
9:50 A.M.-10:15 A.M.- Break
10:15 A.M.-11:00 From Immune Pathology to Immune Regeneration-Past the Pandemic and Beyond! Kathleen O’Neil Smith M.D.
11:05-Noon-Managing Chronic Diseases via Photo-Activated Biological Nanomedicine – Salaheldin Halasa
12:00-1:30P.M. Lunch-Virtual Meeting of Board of Directors of AOSRD
1:30-2:20 P.M.-Review &Application of Urinary Pregnanediol-3glucruonide (PdG) assays. Gretchen V. Marsh, D.O.
2:30-3:20 P.M.- The Opioid Epidemic and State of the Art Pain-David Leszkowitz, D.O.
3:20-3:45 Break
3:45-4:30 P.M.-Dendritic Cell Vaccine Protocol for SARS-COV-2, Dan Royal D.O., C.T.P., J.D.
4:30-5:20 P.M.-LFT’s: Why, When, and What Now? -Jon K. Marsh, D.O.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
8-8:50A.M.-Post-Finasteride Syndrome-William Clearfield D.O.
9-9:50A.M.-Suicide Prevention-John Burgess, DO, Joel Peterson, VA Department of Suicide Prevention
9:50 A.M.- 10:15 A.M. Break
10:15 A.M.-11:00 A.M.-Medical Cannabis-Jeffrey S. Block, M.D.
11:00-11:45 AM-Neuroprogression: The Elephant in the Room. How to Recognize and How to Treat It-Michael Nelson, D.C.
12-1:130 P.M. Lunch
1:00 PM Autonomic, Vascular and Cardio Risk Assessments
1:30-2:20P.M-Clinical Use of Cannabinoids with Case Reports and Discussion.-Kent Crowley Pharm. D.
2:30-3:20 P.M.-Case Studies in Rheumatic Diseases-Robert Speer , D.O.
3:20-3:45 Break
3:45-4:30 P.M-Rotator Cuff Evaluation, Diagnosis and Management-Charles Hooper, D.O.
4:4:30-5:20P.M.-Destigmatizing and Demystifying Sex and Intimacy- Monica Jayne
Saturday March 20, 2021
Topic: The Congress of Medical Excellence – Day 1
Start Time : Mar 20, 2021 08:37 AM
Meeting Recording
Start Time : Mar 20, 2021 10:08 AM
Meeting Recording
1. Could Cannabis and / or Hemp Really Solve the Opioid Epidemic? -Phillip Zinni, D.O.
2. Integrative Oncology: The Forsythe Saga-James Forsythe, M.D.
3. Cannabinoids and Adaptive Immuno-ModulationJeffrey Block M.D. (Video)
4. Managing Chronic Diseases via Photo-Activated Biological Nanomedicine- Salaheldin Halasa
5. Review &Application of Urinary Pregnanediol-3glucruonide (PdG) assays
6. The Opioid Epidemic and State of the Art Pain-David Leszkowitz, D.O.
7. Dendritic Cell Vaccine Protocol for SARS-COV-2, Dan Royal D.O., C.T.P., J.D.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Topic: The Congress of Medical Excellence – Day 2
Start Time : Mar 21, 2021 09:01 AM
Meeting Recording
1. Post-Finasteride Syndrome-William Clearfield D.O.
2. Suicide Prevention-John Burgess, DO, Joel Peterson, VA Department of Suicide Prevention
2A. Suicide Prevention Joel Peterson
2B. Suicide Prevention Joel Peterson
3. Cannabis Considerations:Seeking Better Patient Outcomes-Jffrey Block, M.D.. (Video)
5. Clinical Use of the Cannabinoids with Case Reports & Discussion.-Kent Crowley Pharm. D.
6. Case Studies in Rheumatic Diseases-Robert Speer , D.O.
7. Rotator Cuff Evaluation, Diagnosis and Management-Charles Hooper, D.O.